Crazy Client Requests Bookkeepers Have Actually Gotten

As bookkeeper, I pride myself on being organized, detail-oriented professional who keep financial records in pristine condition. However, even the most seasoned bookkeepers have encountered their fair share of bizarre and downright crazy client requests that leave us scratching our heads. Brace yourselves as we dive into some of the most outrageous (and anonymous) tales from the bookkeeping trenches.

  1. The Sock Drawer Accountant
    One client insisted on keeping all their receipts and financial documents in a sock drawer, claiming it was their "foolproof" organizational system. The bookkeeper was tasked with untangling the mess of crumpled papers and deciphering the client's unique filing method.

  2. The Cryptic Codewords
    A particularly paranoid client refused to use standard accounting terminology, instead insisting on using a secret code for every financial term. The bookkeeper had to decipher phrases like "the green beans need watering" (which meant "pay the utility bill") and "the birds have flown south" (signaling it was time to record depreciation expenses).

  3. The Numerology Enthusiast
    One client was adamant that all financial transactions should be recorded on specific dates and times based on their personal numerology beliefs. The bookkeeper had to meticulously plan their work schedule around these auspicious numerological windows, lest they risk invoking the wrath of the universe (or the client).

  4. The Aroma Accountant
    In a truly bizarre request, a client demanded that their bookkeeper wear a specific fragrance while working on their books. Apparently, the scent of lavender was essential for maintaining the "positive energy flow" of their financial records.

  5. The Feng Shui Financials
    A client who was deeply invested in the principles of feng shui insisted that their bookkeeper rearrange their office furniture and organize their files according to specific feng shui guidelines. The bookkeeper had to become an amateur interior designer to appease the client's beliefs.

  6. The Superstitious Spreadsheets
    One particularly superstitious client refused to allow their bookkeeper to use the number 13 in any financial calculations or spreadsheets. The bookkeeper had to get creative with their formulas and find workarounds to avoid invoking bad luck.

  7. The Astrological Accounts
    A client who was an avid astrology enthusiast demanded that their bookkeeper consult their astrological chart before making any significant financial decisions or entries. The bookkeeper had to brush up on their knowledge of zodiac signs and planetary alignments to keep the client happy.

While these requests may seem outlandish, they serve as a reminder that bookkeepers often have to navigate unique client personalities and preferences. At the end of the day, my job is to provide accurate financial records while maintaining professionalism and adapting to my clients' quirks (no matter how crazy they may seem).


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